10 Powerful Questions to Launch 2025

Author: Britt Andreatta
Posted On: December 30, 2024

As we come to the end of 2024 and look to the new year, it’s a natural time to pause and engage in reflection. Reflection is an important part of how we learn, grow, and rise to our potential. Taking time to review and reflect allows us to see things from a fresh perspective as well as gain valuable insights from our successes and challenges. 

Every wisdom tradition around the world has a process of reflection and it’s no accident that this time of year finds people of all backgrounds engaging in a time of review. The winter equinox signals a change in seasons as we start gaining more light each day—it’s the perfect opportunity to reflect with intention.

“We do not learn from experience—we learn from reflecting on experience.” ~ John Dewey

To start your reflection, I recommend doing a quick review of the past year. Take a spin through your calendar and photos to refresh your memory. If you journal, flip through the pages and notice the major themes. You might also want to turn on some music, brew a hot beverage, and light a candle or a fireplace.

“Time spent in self-reflection is never wasted—it is an intimate date with yourself.” ~ Paul TP Wong

Below are 10 questions arranged in a specific order to help you gain new insights. Let yourself blend together professional and personal reflection—they are not separate pieces but part of the integrated, whole person that you are.

10 Questions to Reflect on 2024

  1. What are your 9 greatest successes and miracles of 2024? This may seem like a big ask for this chaotic year but successes and miracles still happened. It may be something big or it might be those very small, but meaningful wins. Another way to look at this is what things in your life do you now have that you once did not? Try to find at least 9 (more is fine too).
  2. What was a key challenge of this year and what did you discover about yourself in meeting this challenge? Consider what new skills, knowledge, or insights you received as a result of facing this challenge.
  3. What are some of the most joyful moments of 2024? Spend some time on this one and list as many as you can. They may be the small joys, but in this crazy year, all moments of joy count! Consider making a post-it note for each one and put them around your room so you can see the abundance you have.
  4. What “risks” (taking action though fear is present) did you take this year and what greater freedom did you discover in the process? What did you learn about yourself in taking these risks?
  5. In what key ways have you been of service to others this year? What meaningful purpose have you contributed to through sharing your time, or your talent, or your resources? Being of service includes things like honoring labor strikes, participating in a rally or protest, or educating yourself and others about challenging topics. Take time to appreciate yourself for that.
  6. What has been the underlying, unifying theme of your year? "2024 has been the year of…" It’s OK if your first sentence is full of swear words but after you’ve vented, go back and dig a little deeper. For you, in the midst of all the stress of 2024, what has been your underlying, unifying theme?
  7. Looking back on 2024, which 3 people had the greatest impact in your life, positive or negative? They can range from people you personally know to an. What has their presence stimulated or awakened in you?
  8. Is there anyone whom you need to forgive? Forgive means to release judgment and blame that is causing you unnecessary pain. Who is it? What quality do you need to forgive them for? Can you find that same quality within yourself (to any degree) and love yourself anyway?
  9. What are your greatest blessings of 2024? Consider what you are thankful for each day that you might even overlook sometimes. List those people, experiences, and insights that fill your heart with gratitude.
  10. What are 3 key lessons you’ve learned through your experiences in 2024?

“You are not the same person you were a year ago. You have grown. Give yourself credit for the hard-won lessons learned and how far you have come. It hasn’t always been easy, but your track record for getting through hard days is 100% so far.” ~ Marc & Angel

Looking Ahead to 2025

As you look at the lessons and insights of 2024, what wise counsel would you give yourself as you move into 2025?

Now, articulate your goals and intentions for 2025 and beyond. Consider having at least one for each of these areas so that you have work/life balance: career/calling, relationships, health/wellbeing, happiness, creativity/play, and community.

Since many people are experiencing burnout, spend some time identifying how you can help yourself recover. Rest is the primary cure for burnout so how can you do more of that? Time in nature, mindfulness practices, and play also help us recover from burnout. Set some goals for how you can utilize these strategies to get your groove back.

Consider what joy is lying dormant within you that has yet to come out because you’re waiting for something that seems further away or is about to be? We often delay joy waiting until we lose that weight or secure that promotion—but you are worthy of joy now. Give yourself permission to lean into joy instead of withholding it as a reward.

Once you finalize your goals/intentions, consider posting them in various places where they will remind you of your focus like your bathroom mirror, smartphone, car, computer screen, etc. The goal is to keep them visible and present to support your success.

Is there anyone you need to reach out to as a result of this reflection? You might be moved to send a note of gratitude or appreciation. Keep it simple—often a quick email or voice message can really make someone feel great and you will enjoy acknowledging them too.

That’s it. This process takes less than an hour but it’s one of the best hours you can spend each year. Start this ritual alone but then gather with friends (safely) to share your insights and intentions. This can connect you, not only this one evening, but throughout the year. You can even build in a quarterly check-in to continue to support each other, remove any roadblocks and celebrate successes!

You can also do this process at work with leaders and teams—it's amazing what comes out of those discussions and how much it boosts everyone’s energy and engagement at work.

If you wish, make a vision board and/or music playlist to anchor your intentions. Both are surprisingly powerful tools that can support you in staying focused throughout the year, and are often more fun to make than a traditional list. Make a playlist of songs that represent who and how you want to be in 2025. 

A vision board is essentially a poster of images and words that can be made with old magazines and glue or put together using your computer. Use a presentation or graphics software, adding images and words or phrases. Print it out and post it at home and at work to keep your eyes on what you prize. Another idea is to create a bingo card with each intention in a box—check them off as you achieve them and see your progress unfold. 

Reflection is one of the most powerful processes for achieving your potential. And when you do it in community with others, it creates a sense of engagement and accountability that helps everyone achieve more than they could alone.

“Live with intention. Walk to the edge. Listen hard. Practice wellness. Play with abandon. Laugh. Choose without regret. Appreciate your friends. Continue to learn. Do what you love. Live as if this is all there is.” ~ Mary Ann Radmacher

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